The Action & Behavior Gap

Why is there a gap between becoming a disciple and making disciples?

This is the question I continue to ask myself and those around me. And honestly, I think it is a question you might quietly consider talking to Jesus about. The reason I ask myself this is because I’ve been grieving something.

I have godly parents.

I have godly siblings.

I have godly friends.

I have godly elders.

And guess what? This is not something new. I’ve been surrounded by godly people my entire life. I’m convinced that one of the most significant evidence of God’s grace in my life is the strong community of believers who’ve poured into me since I was a child.

But I’m grieved.

I’m grieved because I’ve known many Christians but few disciple-makers.

It’s almost as if there is a gap. I believe the best way to describe this gap is by what psychologists call the “action & behavior gap.”

Introducing The Action & Behavior Gap

There is a massive gap between what we value and what we reprioritize our lives to do. This is what psychologists call the:

As it pertains to The Great Commission, it goes something like this:

Step 1 (Aware) - I have heard of making disciples.

Step 2 (Ponder) - I go to church, listen to podcasts, and read about making disciples.

Step 3 (Value)- I believe it’s essential to make disciples.

Step 4 (Reprioritize)- I am shifting my entire life to make more disciples of Jesus.

Step 5 (Own) - I am a disciple-maker.

But if we are honest, for most people, there is a GAP.

Step 1 (Aware) - I have heard of making disciples.

Step 2 (Ponder) - I go to church, listen to podcasts, and read about making disciples.

Step 3 (Value)- I believe it’s essential to make disciples.

Step 4 (Reprioritize)- I am shifting my entire life to make more disciples of Jesus.


Step 4 (Reprioritize)- I am shifting my entire life to make more disciples of Jesus.

Step 5 (Own) - I am a disciple-maker.

I would say that most American Christians are in the gap. The gap is often:

G A P - Consumerism - I go to church to consume.

G A P - Moralism - I go to church because I want to be good.

G A P - Easy Beliefism - I go to church because that’s what we do.

G A P - Relativism - I go to church sometimes, but does it even matter?

Why is there a gap? And what is standing in the gap keeping you from making disciples? As I read the New Testament, I realized there was no gap. So here’s my final question I hope you will sincerely consider:

What is Jesus asking you to radically reprioritize to make disciples?

For The Local Church 📍

Landon Reynolds


What If You Left The Church You Love?


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