To Hell In A Hand Basket
Why would Jesus rebuke Peter for valiantly attempting to fight back evil that would eventually lead to His crucifixion? Sure, maybe violence wasn't the answer. But was not his heart in the right place? Didn’t he have good intentions?
sAtan DIdn'T pUt THat tHere”
Have you ever wondered, “Is this thought from God?” Life can be very disorienting. And often, discerning the will of God for your life becomes increasingly difficult as you get older. As you mature, you realize life is…
How Jesus Prepares His Team For Intense Ministry
How did Jesus prepare his disciples for an intense level of ministry? I ask this question because we, too, are building a team to do ministry in North Knox County. In this season of Local Church, we are creating what is called our Pioneer Team. This team will be the group committed to starting a new church and pioneering something that has not already been built.
A Bookshelf Full of Moral Failures
I have an entire shelf of old heroes in my office. But even more excruciatingly, I have a whole bookshelf of old heroes in my heart. I've had to give them all away. I bet you've had to, as well.
Getting Back In The Trenches
He is always inviting us into more. He is always taking us deeper into the battlefield. He is always revealing the casualties around us.
Do You Have Seasonal Deception Disorder?
I believe many of us have “seasonal deception disorder.” Meaning we allow our season to determine how much of our lives Jesus is calling us to surrender to Him. Mainly, many of us are easily deceived into thinking two things when it comes to our relationship with Jesus. The two lies we believe:
Are You Living Out The Great Omission?
There is a gap between becoming a disciple of Jesus and making disciples of Jesus. And that gap (that didn’t exist in the New Testament) exists in most Christians's lives today.
Why You Need To Stop To Start 2024
Before you start a new year of goals, accomplishments, and resolutions, I believe you need to stop and reflect.